Friday, 26 February 2016

Loverwood Newsletter5

Welcome back to Loverwood village newspaper 5.
Let's hear from the Mayor and School
A few new houses and stores have been built, thanks to our builders.
The choc rabbit's new home is the courtyard restaurant, a four room house with a balcony, outdoor restaurant and outdoor kitchen.

A new store has been opened. It is called the sweet store. You can by a heap of treats to eat which include cupcakes, lollypops, cakes, biscuits and many more. Get a limited sweet treat bag that comes with ice cream too. The Ice cream shop sometimes sells ice cream above the sweet store and the ladies work together. Your lucky if you see them above and below eachover because that means you have a chance to win a sweet treat bag.

The Soft serve shop sells ice cream, sundaes, soft serves, ice cream sauce and toppings, ice cream doughnuts and frozen yoghurt. There are many varieties of food and flavors  to choose from.You can get a limited edition sweet treat bag whenever you see the sweet store lady and the soft serve shop on top of the sweet store.

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If you haven't recently noticed or haven't kept up to date, about a week ago, a shoe store opened which sometimes is at the school selling shoes or a the village town square where all the other houses and shops are. Joanna, the lady who works there and is principal with Michael at the school, sells the shoes.



Loverwood Boarding School Bilaboard

* Loverwood Boarding Schoolmusic festival-Tickets will be sold soon
* Dance club for the May Pole will start soon
* Swimming carnival soon
Note*There will be a new school double decker bus for the nursery and a new bus for school kids.

There is one nursery bus, a  school bus/classroom, school bus and the Pricipals car is also used as a bus.
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For your sylanians to go to LBS, APPLY NOW.
Terms and Conditions.
1. If you are not a loverwood resident, which you aren't, you need to collaborate your village
2. You must send photo's of your village, family/ies thatare going to LBS, shops and houses and your house and a photo of each and one of the kids going to the school


Thank you for reading Loverwood Village Newspaper-Edition 5
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Thursday, 4 February 2016

Sylvanian decoration competition

New sylvanian competition. Have you checked out collaborations? If not go check it out!

What to do
Take a photo of the sylvanian decoration you made and send it to Loverwood. Your decoration must have a background or theme behind it and why you chose that theme.

Terms and Conditions
You must have made and sent the decoration/s by the 10th of March to or have dropped it off.

Please send your entry before The 10th of March 2016. Keep this date in your diary!

Monday, 1 February 2016

The new store

All the sylvanians were crowding and were waiting for the new store open.
They were all super excited. AND THEN...

The new stall was a shoe shop and the seller was Joanna.
The crowd cheered. Some went over to the new school canteen while some kids in the families went to the new LBS shoe shop.

Joanna helped Creme, Beth, Veronique and all the others in line.
The shoes were lovely polished and the shoe boxes were decorated.

Joanna helped Vera choose some shoes. She bought a lovely pair of blue and white shoes.

Joanna helps Veronique with her shoes. She buys a sweet pair of shiny red shoes.

And Veronique decides to pick a pair for her sister. How sweet!
Two pretty sisters.

Veronica and Vera are trying their shoes! Veronica has lovely school shoes, pink ballet pointe shoes with bows. They match very well, same do Vera's. Vera can wear her shoes at many places same to Veronica.

Joanna picks shoes for Michael for his work as a principal. Joanna an Michael are both principals. He looks into the mirror and see's the handsome guy, that's Michael!
Viviana mother also got shoes. Orange bow shoes look great on her.

Joanna and Michael take a photo of themselves with their own new shoes.